Second Spring Jewellery & Metalcraft

Introducing Nic, owner of Second Spring Jewellery & Metalcraft, who creates unique pieces of jewellery utilising whatever metals she has to hand (most often mild steel, copper and brass off cuts) and recycled sterling silver, from a workshop studio space built from reclaimed materials.

“I began working with metals during a pretty challenging time in my life where I felt my mind and body were really letting me down. Unexpected hormonal changes, extreme stress and burnout from a career spanning over 18 years in science and biotechnology, were the catalyst for change, although that hasn’t happened fast. When I initially left my previous job, I would spend a lot of time at my husband’s workshop (Richie A.K.A. BSSB Design who has previously been a SustainaBrum poster boy!) for company and to feel useful; he taught me to weld mild steel and I enjoyed learning new practical skills. It was after attending a short silversmithing workshop over a year ago that I pursued making jewellery; I found a sense of calm forming new connections in metal which is kind of apt as I’ve been reconnecting with myself too after a difficult few years.”

Why is sustainability important?

“I’m not a sustainability expert but I am a nature lover. I critically think about my actions and how they impact the natural environment but it’s very challenging trying to find accurate information and make positive changes. It’s important to me to do my best with the information and resources I have.”

Sustainable business considerations

“I am trying my best to build sustainable practices from the start of what will be an ongoing journey. We built my workshop predominantly from scrap, reclaim and lower cost offcut where needed; I was lucky to receive some very beautiful old tools from ex and current jewellers, family, friends and online to start out. It’s much more straightforward for me to operate sustainably from a materials perspective; not only are the metals I use almost endlessly reusable, but they are also predominantly recovered from scrap offcut. The silver I purchase is from a reputable long running Jewellery Quarter supplier and is recycled. Whilst I’m just starting out, I fully intend to minimise my product packaging and restrict them to eco-friendly materials. I am keen to learn, adapt and grow in a greener direction.”

Favourite thing about running my business

“The biggest benefit by far is being able to spend more time with Richard. We had talked for decades about working together one day so now we’re giving it a go! I feel a sense of purpose again, am learning new skills, have ultimate autonomy in my decision making and the scope to merge creativity with my scientific geekiness!”

Love about Birmingham 

“I was born and raised in the West Midlands; it’s not just home for me though. There’s a rich history of industry and a fantastic community of good eggs and creatives that I love being a part of.”

Find out more via the Second Spring Jewellery & Metalcraft Instagram page!