Building Stuff Since Birth – Interior that loves the planet

Meet Richie, owner of BSSB (‘Building Stuff Since Birth’) Design! Richie makes beautiful bespoke furniture, primarily from reclaimed timber and steel, and I met up with him to learn a bit more about his business!

Richie started his business 3 years ago, having returned from Qatar where he had furnished his home with pieces that he’d made from reclaimed wood that he found at the side of the road. This was also where his eyes were opened to the amount of waste generated by the construction industry, and he really started to see the importance of being more sustain

able. He now works on both domestic and commercial projects (predominantly cafés or shops), from his workshop in Halesowen.

What do you need to consider when making sustainable furniture?

  • Using reclaimed materials (for example scaffold boards or pallet wood) that would otherwise go to landfill or be incinerated
  • Using sustainable sources when using new timber (for example FSC certified)
  • Using air-dried rather than kiln-dried timber
  • Reducing waste with clever design
  • Being resourceful when using timber and steel by maximising offcuts, and recycling any small sections that cannot be used
  • Making pieces that will stand the test of time (not everything can be made from pallets, sadly), and that customers will love and want to keep forever

What do you love about running your business?

I love making things, being creative, and the feeling I get at the end of a project when I step back and see what I’ve made. I also love working with people in Birmingham – it’s such a small world, and I love bumping into people I’ve worked with, or realising we have friends in common!

And finally, what do you love about Birmingham?

I love the community feel that you have in our city, and the sheer number of local, independent businesses that we have on our doorstep!

Love Richie’s creations as much as I do?

Find him on Instragram (@BuildingStuffSinceBirth)

or check out his website: