CB Sea Treasures – Sea the Treasures of Upcycling

Meet Claire, the creative mind behind CB sea Treasures, a trove of gorgeous jewellery items made using reclaimed sea glass. Sea glass is a naturally occurring phenomena in which class shards are tumbled by the seas motion to create polished, gem-like pieces of glass that often wash up on our shorefronts. The environmental impact of sea glass is often described as complex. It is a product of littered and discarded glass items on beaches and in the sea, however, it can also be seen to replace raw materials on the sea bed.

Often, debris is collected from beaches during beach ‘clean-ups’. Its jewel appearance can make what was once waste into crafted items of bespoke jewellery. A process CB Sea Treasures has perfected the art of.

We asked Claire some questions about the business:

Which ways do you take sustainability into consideration when running your business?

The main component of my jewellery is foraged sea glass! So making something from nothing, upcycling and sustainability are at the heart of my ethos. I only use locally sourced silver for my designs (recycled silver where possible), from Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter, and all of my packaging is made from recycled cardboard and biodegradable mail bags.

What do you love about running your business?

I love getting creative, and turning a waste product into a beautiful piece of jewellery, however my favourite part has to be attending local craft markets and seeing people faces light up when they realise it’s sea glass jewellery! So many people collect these little pieces of treasure on their beloved UK holidays, and I love to exchange stories about where are good spots to visit and explore. I especially love making commission pieces with customers own finds!

And finally, what do you love about Birmingham?

I’m a brummy through and through! It’s such a wonderful melting pot of diversity and culture. Birmingham has long been at the heart of industry and jewellery making, so what better place to learn and expand as a maker.

You can find CB Sea Treasures on Instagram @CB_Sea_Treasures and shop online here: CB Sea Treasures (craftvillage.co.uk).