Introducing BrumEnergy, who provide independent home energy and retrofit advice, free of charge, to anyone living in Birmingham! The advice is delivered by confident, trained advisors and can range from a chat at a drop-in surgery or energy café, a simple telephone call, to an in-depth home visit, and reflects the economic, health, and environmental needs of the individual.
They also distribute warm home packs that provide immediate comfort and support to households, and include items to keep you warm, such as blankets, hot water bottles, hats, scarves, and gloves, as well as items to make your home more energy-efficient, like LED light bulbs, radiator reflector sheets, draught excluders, and window film.
BrumEnergy also showcases retrofitted houses in Birmingham, allowing homeowners to share their retrofit journeys with others who may be interested in retrofitting or starting their own home improvements. BrumEnergy’s aim is for as many people as possible to learn about energy efficient homes – retrofitting can result in homes that are cheaper to run, more comfortable to live in, and more environmentally friendly.
Around 13-14% of the UK’s carbon emissions come from heating homes, which is slightly more than the emissions from all cars and taxis combined (12%)! Through the advice BrumEnergy offers, Birmingham residents can make informed decisions on how to reduce their carbon emissions and understand what measures they can take to make their homes more sustainable.
Want advice? Head over to the BrumEnergy website, Instagram page & head to their next energy café or home tour!