Zeco Cosmetics – Capture the beauty of Nature

Introducing Zinnath, the founder of Zeco, a vegan and eco-friendly homemade cosmetics brand, based in Birmingham. Zeco products are made using only natural ingredients and with no plastic packaging.

“My passion for the environment and for more ethical and natural products motivated me to make my own cosmetics at home, initially for my family. What started as a hobby, is now my small business. My aim is to make natural and eco-friendly cosmetics affordable, while spreading

awareness about the environment and the impact of harmful effects of chemicals in

cosmetics on our body. That is why Zeco’s motto is: “Saving the planet, one product at a time!””

Why is sustainability important to you? 

Zeco products are made using local, natural and organic (where possible) ingredients, that are ordered in eco-friendly and recyclable containers (if possible). The cosmetics are also packaged in recyclable aluminium tins and glass jars, and shipped in paper bags and cardboard boxes, so avoiding single-use plastic. Zeco also encourages customers to return empty containers to be reused/refilled.

Zinnath also avoids waste and reuses and recycles everything she can during the manufacture of her cosmetics.

What is your favourite thing about running your business? 

“I love learning about natural ingredients and the environment and the harmful effects of chemicals on our body, building my confidence to get out of my comfort zone and try something new, interacting with new people and other smaller businesses (especially at local markets) and the satisfaction of helping people to look after themselves and the planet (positive feedbacks always make my day!)”

What do you love about Birmingham?

“I love living in such a multicultural city, with amazing local businesses and so many places to eat delicious food or just enjoy a coffee! People are so friendly and welcoming, and after moving from Paris 25 years ago, I definitely feel at home in Birmingham.”

Find Zeco online, https://zeco.sumupstore.com/ or on Instagram @ ___zeco___