Let It Bee-Whisper words of skincare wisdom

Let It Bee is run by two sisters Jane & Gillian, who started the business in 2018, although Jane has been a beekeeper since 2010. They are based in Birmingham and produce products using beeswax and honey either from their own bees (in Jane’s garden & on her allotment) or from other local beekeepers. They make 100% natural skincare products, reusable beeswax food wraps as an alternative to cling film and pure beeswax candles. They supply several local shops, and sell at local markets and online.

Jane is also the educational lead for the Birmingham branch of the Bee Keeping Association and is passionate about the importance of bees in our ecosystem – they are fantastic pollinators, and

critical for our growing food as the majority of fruits and veggies need pollinating. In fact, her friends at the allotment say they have seen a huge increase in productivity since the bees arrived!

We asked Jane some questions:

What do you need to consider to ensure your business is as sustainable as possible?

  • All of our products are made in small batches using 100% natural ingredients
  • We use recycled, recyclable or reusable packaging materials and we recycle as much as we can
  • Our bees are all in Birmingham, and most of the local orders are delivered by bike or electric car, reducing our carbon footprint

What do you love about running your business?

“I love meeting local people and talking about how amazing bees are!”

And finally, what do you love about Birmingham?

“I love our amazing green spaces, and trees we have across the city. I also love the people, both the diversity and talent we have, and that there is always something new happening”

You can follow the sisters and their beekeeping journey on Instagram (@letitbeeltd) or via their website (https://let-it-bee.co.uk/).