Tiny Blue Pot, the Small Business with Big Heart

Meet Maddie and Gaby, the sisters behind Tiny Blue Pot. Tiny Blue Pot specialise in bringing beautiful sustainable gifts to eco-conscious consumers! With their range of adorable ceramics, we certainly could fill our kitchen cupboards! From mugs and bowls, right through to vases, oil burners and planters, there’s something for everyone!

We especially have our eye on their seasonally scented wax melts, made from 100% ethically sourced, vegan and cruelty-free ingredients.

We asked Maddie and Gaby some questions about their business:

Which ways do you consider sustainability when running your business?

Sustainability is so close to our hearts! We are Millennial and Gen Z business owners who desperately want the world to be a better place for future generations, our precious animals and their habitats.

We really want to push the ‘Shop Small & Local’ message and source from small businesses for everything we possibly can. Our packaging and the items in our gift boxes are carefully selected from Etsy shops and ethical businesses, with many products being handmade or made from natural and recycled/recyclable materials.

Gaby also makes our wax melts at home and will create more beautiful, zero-waste products like these soon. The dream is to source our ceramics from small-batch production businesses from our hometown and favourite town, Birmingham(!) because this would reduce our carbon footprint even more. Watch this space!

What do you love about running your business?

This would hands-down be the beautiful feeling of community that having a little business brings! Not just with our beautiful followers on social media (who we adore) but also with other small business owners!

Many little businesses are constantly reaching out to each other to find ways to support each other… a culture we never knew about before! It is heart-warming to receive so much engagement and offers of support from little businesses and we love to do the same for others too.

And finally, what do you love about Birmingham?

AHH where do we even start?! We are obsessed with Birmingham. We have a beautifully diverse population, quirky nightlife, great shopping and food scene… the different quarters of the city centre each offer their own amazing vibe. It is coming out from the shadows of London and Manchester in regards to its music talent. We were bursting with pride for the Commonwealth Games 2022. Very proud Brummies over here!

If you’d like to shop Tiny Blue Pots collections you can visit their website https://www.tinybluepot.com/ or follow their work on Instagram @tinybluepot.